Elden Ring provides excellent customization options for all kinds of playstyles.

If you prefer to add some defence to your build, you’ll likely want to consider using a shield – but which one is the best for your needs? We’re here to assist you with this choice.

How to use a Shield?

It might seem like an obvious question, but there are several ways to utilize a shield in Elden Ring. First of all, a shield can be used for Guarding, also referred to as Blocking. Blocking an enemy attack reduces the incoming damage by a certain percentage.

When an enemy hits your shield while you’re Guarding, there is a possibility their attack will be bounced. As a result, the enemy will be staggered for a short time, allowing you to counterattack, or use a Guard Counter.

Guard Counters are very powerful if used well – they are faster than most strength attacks and deal lots of Stance or Poise damage.

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Another way to use a shield is to parry incoming attacks. Parrying lets you avoid incoming damage while also causing your enemy to recoil and possibly fall to their knees, which makes them vulnerable to Critical Hits. You can also parry to interrupt attack chains, allowing you to counterattack.

Some shields can be used to deal damage. For example, you can two-hand a shield to make use of Shield Bash or Shield Crash or find a shield with a special skill that improves its offensive capabilities.

Types of shields in Elden Ring

Shields in Elden Ring are split into three main categories: Small, Medium, and Great. When choosing a shield, you should decide what type fits your build and playstyle best. But what exactly is the difference?

Simply put, Small shields provide less protection, but are very light, making them a preferred choice for quick and agile characters that don’t rely on Strength. They are great for Parrying and don’t get in your way if you’re trying to dodge an attack.

On the other end of the spectrum, Great shields tend to be very heavy – and great at blocking incoming damage. They are a good choice if you’re ready to sacrifice mobility for greater protection. Great shields are also likely to bounce attacks.

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And then there are the Medium shields, which combine the good and the bad of their heavier and lighter counterparts.

They are slightly heavier than their Light counterparts, but they offer much better protection. They can be used for Parrying and have a chance to bounce an attack, although they can be less effective at both than a more specialized shield.

For those who enjoy using a shield to deal damage, there are also Thrusting Shields that are considered a weapon as well as a shield.

What should you consider when choosing a Shield?

Once you’ve decided which type of shield is the best for you, you should consider some other important factors.

First of all, check the shield’s block value. It determines the percentage by which incoming damage is reduced when blocked.

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For most builds, you’ll want a 100% physical block, although if your focus is Parrying rather than Guarding, the block value is not as crucial. However, even then it’s good to keep it high for times when you fail to time your Parry properly.

Then there’s the guard boost. The higher it is, the less stamina each block will use – so a hypothetical 100% guard boost would mean that you use no stamina at all when you block.

As we’ve established, weight is also important. Heavy shields tend to have high Strength requirements, meaning that unless it’s your primary stat, you won’t be able to use the shield. They also affect your weight budget and, by extension, mobility.

Most shields can be empowered by Ashes of War, but some have their own unique skills that can make them more attractive.

Best Small Shields

When it comes to Small shields, the Buckler is one of the most popular choices. Although it’s not great at reducing damage, its unique Buckle Parry skill is much faster than a regular Parry.

This makes the Buckler the perfect Small shield for those who use their shield primarily for parrying attacks.

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The Iron Roundshield provides the best physical negation out of all Small Shields and good stability, which means that it can be more effective at Blocking than other shields in this category, while still enabling you to Parry reliably.

If you want to mix things up, give the Coil Shield a try. It’s admittedly pretty awful at protecting you from incoming damage, but its unique skill makes it an interesting choice.

Upon using its Viper Strike skill, the snake that adorns the shield will uncoil and attack your enemies, dealing physical damage and inflicting a Deadly Poison buildup. It’s a must-have for builds that rely on poison.

Best Medium Shields

The Brass Shield is widely considered to be the most universal shield choice in Elden Ring. It’s a medium shield which offers a 69 guard boost at maximum upgrade level with a comparatively low weight of 7.

As such, it can outclass many Greatshields when it comes to defensive properties – although it won’t bounce attack chains like a Greatshield.

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In case you’re not a fan of the golden Dorito-shaped shield, the Banished Knight Shield’s boost level is only one lower than Brass Shield’s, and it’s also 1 unit lighter, making it a good replacement for the Elden Ring players who prioritize style.

For magic-based builds, the Carian Knight’s Shield is worth considering. It has a relatively low weight requirement and offers great protection. Not only is it effective against physical attacks, but it also blocks a high percentage of magic attacks.

Best Greatshields

The Fingerprint Stone Shield provides the highest Guard Boost out of all shields in Elden Ring. It’s great at blocking magic, lightning, fire, and holy attacks. This makes it the best Greatshield when it comes to defensive capabilities.

Moreover, it can deal decent damage when used offensively and inflicts Madness build-up on hit. Its weight of 29 units and 48 Strenght requirement are the Fingerprint Stone Shield’s biggest downsides, making it an excellent choice for Strenght-based builds, but not for anyone else.

Thanks to its unique skill, the Erdtree Shield is another excellent option for builds with high Strength. Thanks to Golden Retaliation, the shield can parry a magical attack, dispelling it and retaliating with its own homing magical attack.

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It’s also not bad at blocking Magic and Holy attacks and deals Holy damage when used offensively. As a caveat, obtaining it is a real pain, and some players consider it too much of a hassle.

The Golden Greatshield is not as flashy as the Erdtree Shield, but it’s well balanced, with a weight of 17 units, a Strength requirement of 34 and a Guard Boost of 70. It’s a well-rounded (no pun intended) and efficient shield.

If you want your shield to improve your defence and attack, try the Jellyfish Shield. Its unique Contagious Fury skill provides a temporary boost to damage, although it has been nerfed from the original 20% to 12,5%.

Thrusting Shields

Thrusting Shield is a new weapon type introduced in the Shadow of Erdtree DLC and it deserves an honourable mention on our list.

They allow you to attack and defend at the same time and will go into a block when used for a light attack or a guard counter. They also start their heavy attack windup with a block.

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There are only two Thrusting Shields available – the Duelling Shield and the Carian Thrusting Shield. Between the two, the Carian Thursting Shield has a better guard boost value and higher physical negation.

If you consider your build carefully, you will find them very effective, especially when two-handed.


As is the case with most equipment in Elden Ring, when selecting the best shield you have to take your build and playstyle into consideration.

While the Brass Shield and the Fingerprint Stone shields top most of the Elden Ring shield rankings, they might not be the most optimal choice for you.

We hope that our guide will help you select the best shield for your needs. Now, get back to the Lands Between and give them a try!