Thousands of players are having fun in LOCKDOWN Protocol – this year’s multiplayer social deduction video game. But what exactly makes it worth it?

Like Among Us, LOCKDOWN Protocol features a first-person multiplayer gameplay where players divide into innocent and dissidents. The former’s job is to complete a series of engaging tasks.

The latter do everything they can to sabotage the innocent players’ efforts and even eliminate them in the process. Sounds familiar? Let’s investigate what sets this game apart and makes it stand out among other similar titles.

Understanding the Pricing Structure

While the game is available in Steam’s Early Access, Mirage Creative Lab (the developer) doesn’t plan to change its price after the official release.

That means players can test the game and provide feedback to contribute to its future development.


What Does LOCKDOWN Protocol Offer?

In addition to the classic gameplay core, LOCKDOWN Protocol enriches it with a fully 3D environment, proximity chat, stamina management, immersive sounds, and intuitive controls.

Unlike Among Us and similar titles, it doesn’t involve group meetings interrupting the gameplay flow. The game offers a more action-packed alternative to the traditional social deduction experience.

Comparing LOCKDOWN Protocol to Similar Games

Many players on Steam consider LOCKDOWN Protocol a much better game than Among Us. Thanks to its immersive sounds and visuals, its gameplay forces players to really watch their backs at all times.

Also, Mirage Creative Lab’s title does a slightly better job regarding the role of the dissident – ​​it provides more opportunities for creative solutions than similar roles in other games.


Final Verdict

The game is definitely worth your money, considering that LOCKDOWN Protocol is only $9.99 in Early Access on Steam. It’s an endlessly addictive opportunity for groups of friends or complete randoms to have fun together, especially since players’ input makes each playthrough unique.

This feature guarantees incredible replayability, and since the game is already considered better than others in the genre, everyone should try it.