To belong to the pro players, sometimes you can use some cheats, after all, no one has to know about it, right? We certainly won’t spill the beans.

In this guide, first of all, you will learn how to enter codes, why some do not work and, most importantly, you will find a list of commands with a description of what they enable.

In Starbound you start your adventure on a damaged ship, which you repair by exploring a world and getting the necessary resources. After that, more worlds, missions, and battles with enemies await you in this two-dimensional world. The cheats will make the fun even more interesting.

Enabling Console Commands

In Starbound you don’t type commands into a console, here you have a chat that you open by pressing enter on your keyboard. Each of them starts with / (forward slash) and you add anything you want to this and press enter.

Well almost anything, because, however, you need to know what you can type to make it work, usually these specific names need to be defined in words that help the game understand what exactly you want to achieve.


You have at your disposal commands that you can use without having to change anything, but also those that function exclusively in Admin Mode, which you also activate by typing in the chat.

/help [command name]Prints all commands or specific help for a command.
/adminToggles admin mode, enabling admin-only commands.
/reloadReloads client assets without restarting the game.
/whoamiShows current local username and admin status.
/serverwhoamiShows server username and admin status.
/whereamiShows current celestial coordinate location.
/pvpToggles PvP mode (enable/disable attacks).
/playedShows total time spent playing as current character.
/deathsShows total number of deaths.
/suicideKills your character instantly.
/nakedRemoves all equipped gear.
/warp [location]Teleports to specified location (ship, world, player, etc.).Admin Only
/timewarp [seconds]Changes server time by specified seconds. Admin Only
/settileprotection [dungeon id] [true / false]Sets block protection in specified dungeon. Admin Only
/setspawnpointSets spawn point to current location. Admin Only
/spawnitem [item id] [amount]Spawns specified item at your cursor. Admin Only
/spawntreasure [pool id] [tier]Spawns items from a treasure pool. Admin Only
/spawnmonster [monster id]Spawns a monster with specified ID. Admin Only
/spawnnpc [species id]Spawns an NPC with specified type, level, etc. Admin Only
/spawnvehicle [vehicle id]Spawns a vehicle at your cursor position. Admin Only
/spawnstagehand [type]Spawns a specified stage hand. Admin Only
/clearstagehandClears stage hands near your cursor. Admin Only
/spawnliquid [liquid id]Spawns specified liquid at your cursor. Admin Only
/kick [username]Kicks a player from the server. Admin Only
/ban [username]Bans a player from the server. Admin Only
/listLists all players currently connected. Admin Only
/whereis [username]Shows the celestial location of a player. Admin Only
/serverreloadReloads server and updates config files. Admin Only
/enablespawningEnables monster spawning in the world. Admin Only
/disablespawningDisables monster spawning in the world. Admin Only
/placedungeon [dungeon id]Places a dungeon under your cursor. Admin Only
/setuniverseflag [flag id]Sets the game’s universe flag. Admin Only
/resetuniverseflagsResets all universe flags. Admin Only
/debugToggles debug mode, enabling debug commands.Debug Mode
/gravityToggles visibility of gravity level text. Debug Mode
/boxesToggles visibility of collision boxes.
/clearboxesToggles clearing collision boxes after each frame. Debug Mode
/togglelayer [layer number]Toggles visibility of a specified layer. (May not work) Debug Mode
/fullbrightSets maximum brightness everywhere. Debug Mode
/fixedcameraFreezes the camera in its current position. Debug Mode
/setgravity [level]Sets your character’s gravity level. Debug Mode
/resetgravityResets gravity to default value (80). Debug Mode
/eval [lua code]Runs specified Lua code. Debug Mode
/entityeval [lua code]Runs Lua code on the entity closest to your cursor. Debug Mode
/radiomessage [radio message id]Sends specified radio message to your character. Debug Mode
/clearradiomessagesClears the history of received radio messages. Debug Mode
/clearcinematicsResets cinematics history, allowing replays. Debug Mode
/cinema [cinematic]Plays the specified cinematic. Debug Mode
/startquest [“quest id”]Starts the specified quest. Debug Mode
/completequest [quest id]Completes the specified quest. Debug Mode
/failquest [quest id]Fails the specified quest. Debug Mode
/previewnewquest [quest id] [position] [species]Previews a new quest at the specified position. Debug Mode
/previewquestcomplete [quest id] [position] [species]Previews the quest complete screen. Debug Mode
/previewquestfailed [quest id] [position] [species]Previews the quest failed screen. Debug Mode
/clearscannedobjectsClears the history of scanned objects. Debug Mode
/statistic [statistic]Prints the specified statistic value. Debug Mode
/resetachievementsResets all previously earned achievements. Debug Mode
/enabletech [technology id]Unlocks the specified technology. Debug Mode
/maketechavailable [technology id]Makes the specified technology available for purchase. Debug Mode
/giveessentialitem [item id] [slot id]Sets an item in the specified essential slot. Debug Mode
/upgradeship [upgrades json]Upgrades your ship. Debug Mode

You can do this if you’re playing alone, in multiplayer this won’t always be possible. This just helps to keep order on a server, if everyone could use the cheats while playing with others it would be quite a mess. Some of the commands also require Debug Mode, just as with Admin Mode, you activate it the same way.

If you’re not sure what mode you’re currently in, a command is in the list below that we’ve prepared for you to help you check it.

Cheat Command Examples and Scenarios

If you are tired of fighting monsters then just turn off their spawning, or vice versa, for a little thrill then create more of them, Enablespawning or Disablespawning Command will allow you to do so. Likewise, you can test rare types of weapons like the Candy Cane. Yes, not very deadly, but you can’t create it yourself, and you’ll only get it during Christmas in the real world.

You can spawn items virtually without limit, in this case, use Spawnitem Command with the given ID of the item you need (you can easily search for the name on the Internet) and optionally add a number indicating the quantity. With Warp Command you will be able to move directly to a certain location. If the time of day doesn’t suit you, you can change it with Timewarp Command. Or maybe you want to jump like on the moon or make gravity stronger? No problem, search for a cheat under the name Setgravity Command.


Are you a supporter or opponent of using cheats? There are two sides of the same coin. Some would use them constantly, others would argue that then the game is pointless.

The game is entertaining, but it is worth spicing it up. If cheats exist, it would be a mistake not to take advantage of them. Try them all and let us know which worked best for you.