Fortnitemares 2024: All the Spooky Updates and Challenges Awaiting You...
Fortnitemares, is a special time of year when the game gets a fancy spooky
Fortnitemares, is a special time of year when the game gets a fancy spooky
The premium currency is used to purchase various in-game items, such as…
Battle Royale video games are becoming more popular, but the uncontested star in the genre is Fortnite…
Is there anyone who hasn’t heard of Fortnite at least once? It is a popular FPS MMO game…
With nearly 2,000 gorgeous skins in Fortnite, players definitely have plenty to choose from to boost their Battle Royale experience...
Wondering what the difference is between Fortnite and PUBG? Check out this page to find out which battle royale game...
Plenty o players have found out about the addictive nature of video games. Some had spent countless hours grinding for...
Ever since Minecraft first launched, gaming has accepted that it’s not a proper video game if it doesn’t have some...
Fortnite has gone a long way since the launch of its first closed beta tests back in 2015, and now...
The truth is that gaming interests of the youngest players are ephemeral and scattered all over the place nowadays. But...
Several months ago a lot of people got a bit of a cold feet when it turned out that cross-play...
Ok, maybe it isn't "rolling" exactly, but let's not split hairs. Fortnite has a thing for long-winded even teasers, and...
Possibly the best thing to ever happen to Fortnite ias coming back. We can all rejoice now. The Playground...
Can something become so popular that it transcends the confines of digital media and becomes reality? So here's the...
It's gonna remain playable until July 12th, but then it's time to kiss it bye-bye, at least for now. [yt...
Over the weekend the ominous countdown to launch has finally concluded. Most people attempted to gather to watch in awe....
Announced some time ago, the limited time Playground Mode is coming soon. The main gist of it is pretty...
Whew, with all the E3 happenings I almost forgot Fortnite was still an actual thing. It was a fun time....
You know, it's sometimes easy to forget in how much of a bubble do Japanese companies exist in when it...
It's been quiet around these parts about Fortnite recently. Oh the game has been chugging nicely, switching modes and all,...