Yakuza 0

The 12th installment in the decade-spanning series of video games, Yakuza 0 is a prequel to the fabled story of Yakuza. A debut on PC, Yakuza 0 serves as a perfect introduction for people new to the series as well as a great addition for the veterans, showing the humble beginnings of the beloved characters of Kityu and Goro as they take their first step towards the struggle that will consume the rest of their lives.
Yakuza 0 is a crazy, over-the-top action brawler that manages to tell a complex, gritty story of family and honor despite its silly nature. More then that the story of Yakuza 0 is the story of the city, of its people and their struggles. Sometimes tragic, sometimes dramatic, often times hilarious, Yakuza 0 is a story of life.


10 Best Yakuza Games

You might have played some Yakuza in the past, but have you tried the best titles yet?

9 months ago

Yakuza 0 has crashing issues

Yakuza 0 was freshly released on PC and while it's a fantastic game, the launch wasn't flawless.   Yakuza 0...

6 years ago

Yakuza 0 review

I like Japanese games. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody given my expressed love for the Souls series. It’s...

6 years ago