There are two major expansions planned for 2017.

On March 8th we celebrated the 1 Year Anniversary of The Division. As we reported last week, there are still some goodies for you to grab (up until March 16th), but it’s worth noting what’s yet to come for the game. Two major expansions are on the way and they will be shared for free.

I was one of those players that were mesmerized with the vision of The Division (ah, those rhymes…). I’m not-that-happy holder of the Gold Edition that includes the Season Pass (try to sell it without that code…). Fortunately, even if there was an idea to add Year 2 Season Pass, it didn’t come to life.

The first unnamed expansion will be based on an event system that drives players to activities that feature modifiers, leaderboards, and unique vanity items that will only be available through these activities.

Various activities will be rewarded – both short- and long-term – and the expansion will add a loadouts feature. What about the second DLC for 2017? There are no major details, but it might come with some narrative elements that everyone is eager to get. Now we just hope that the playerbase will be big enough to justify this development…