Microsoft revealed the list of games available for the subscribers of their Xbox Live Gold program, so you have something to play during the summer.

This time the publisher is doing some fishy things with dates, so try to keep up. From July 1st until 30th you will be able to download Grow Up, an open-world cute adventure for the Xbox One. The infamous Kane & Lynch 2 for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One thanks to the Backward Compatibility program will be available from July 1st until 15th. We’d like to remind you that the campaign for the game can be played in co-op.

From July 16th until 30th LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game will be available for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One, so if you don’t have any game to play with kids at your house, this will be a good chance to acquire one (game, not kid). And to finish things off, you will be able to download the colorful racing game Runbow from July 16th until August 15th on your Xbox One.