Monster Prom, a delightful little cooperative dating sim created by Jessie Cox of YouTube fame, got a new update which adds new summer graphics, a new storyline and some other goodies.
It’s as difficult to explain what Monster Prom is, as amazing this little game can be. The premise is that you play as a student in college for monsters, the prestigious Spooky High. Your job is to find a partner for the prom night that is coming in three weeks. Since you only aim high, you need to woo one of the top dogs of the school- all wacky, bizarre and pretty evil characters like a Demon Prince with anger issues or a homicidal Mermaid Princess.
The update coming to everyone free includes a new summer-based secret ending with its own storyline about punching the sun, new graphics, a gallery for the concept art and Steam trading cards.
It’s moments like this that can make Monster Prom an incredibly fun experience, albeit in short bursts. Trying to meticulously complete it will reveal the staleness, but that’s impossible to avoid in a game relying solely on text.