NAZUMA ELEVEN is a powerful Japanese football-themed franchise that began in 2008 with manga by Tenya Yabuno.

It has since expanded to include several video games. The latest installment, INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road, hasn’t been released yet, but… the INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road Demo is already available for download on Steam!

About the Game

INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road is a football simulation RPG that focuses on training the players of the eponymous team, “Inazuma Eleven.” Like the previous entries, the game is developed by the Japanese studio Level-5.

In this installment, you have access to over 4,500 players from different eras and various gameplay modes, including Story Mode, which is set 25 years after the events of the first INAZUMA ELEVEN game.

You can also participate in online tournaments, which offer incredible opportunities for gameplay and fun! What a blast!

Demo Download and Release Date

The INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road Demo has been available for download since July 18, 2023. From March 28 to June 28, it was also available on the Switch. The official release is tentatively scheduled for 2024, but the exact date is still unknown!