We’ve seen the trailer, now it’s time for some gameplay video from the alpha version of the new Assassin’s Creed game.

Though the Assassin’s Creed: Origins trailer included gameplay elements and not CGI, the company has prepared an additional video for the Microsoft E3 conference to show us how sweet the game is going to look on the latest Xbox One X console. Here’s the meat:

The lengthy, five and a half minute long video presents a mission that starts with some scouting done Far Cry Primal-style – through the eyes of a bird. Maybe Ubisoft will finally drop the missions with following characters and staying out of their sight. They were the worst. Additionally, there is a lot of sneaking, some fighting and at the end of the video, a hint of naval warfare, sightseeing and natural fauna observation.

Assassin’s Creed: Origins will release on PS4 and Xbox One on October 27, 2017, though you can expect the PC launch to slip as it traditionally did.

We expect more information about the game during the Ubisoft E3 conference, which will happen on Monday 1:00 Pacific Mean Time, that’s 9:00 PM for the British Standard Time zone.