Following the reveal of the upcoming Destiny II’s expansion, Warmind, Bungie is scheduled to host the reveal on their Twitch channel, today at 10AM Pacific time.

We already know that Bungie is in for a long trip with Destiny II, determined to wash away the population mired somewhat by the controversy the game caused earlier this year by numerous, numerous issues.  Bungie offers a lot with the expansion- among others, new Exotics, updates to the Crucible mode, “Hive Escalation Protocol” which might be a horde mode and more.

The trailer hints at the return of famous weapons from the original Destiny as well as some new content never seen before. Time will tell exactly how, shall we say, widely available this content is actually going to be, as Bungie has to now balance a very thin line.

Nothing of the story-ramifications as far as Warmind is concerned has been revealed yet which has me saddened. I don’t think that the story of Destiny II is particularly gripping, which is why I’m kind of hoping for improvements in that department.