What happens on Steam, stays on Steam.
The word is that Valve will no longer fulfill automatically the request from devs for a key to be generated for their game. This apparently leads to many of them selling those outside of the platform for lower prices and thus driving traffic away.
Valve will no longer automatically fullfill key requests from the developers to combat game sales outside of Steam. pic.twitter.com/Gp1TyivEeO
— Steam Spy (@Steam_Spy) August 17, 2017
Steamspy’s Sergey Galyonkin shared the news on Twitter by reposting a message from Sean Jenkin, Valve’s employee. Apparently, the company will now take a “deeper look” at the quotes the devs order.
Up till now when you had access to Steamwork – the API for devs – you could just order however many keys you wanted. These, of course, went to journalists, fans, family, but also to bundle sites and that’s what tickles Valve.
It might hit the smaller devs who actually rely on bundle sales because more of their sales will have to be cut by 30 percent for Valve’s share.